Friday, November 4, 2011

Warburton Blog post #7

Personal privacy is being able to be alone and work without the presence of anyone else.  It is being able to keep work and tasks unknown to others.  Similarly digital privacy is the ability to uses the internet and its resources without everyone knowing.  Personal privacy is defiantly more easily available because all a person needs to do is shut a door and they now have a sense of privacy.  Digital privacy on the other hand is almost nonexistent because anything that you do online could be potentially viewed by anyone.  From social network sites such as Facebook to online banking, there is a risk your information could be viewed by others.  I personally do not share too much information on Facebook.  I only share very generic thinks such as favorite books and interests but nothing that I wouldn’t want everyone to see.  I know that the best way to keep things private is to not put them online at all because once they are online they are very difficult if not impossible to completely remove.  I have my Facebook privacy settings set to show to my friends only but I know there are ways around that for people who are more technologically advanced.  My philosophy is that “they can’t find what is not there” and for the most part it is a very effective strategy.  I Googled my full name and did not get anything on the web search so I then tried an image search and found my current profile picture in a thumbnail sized version.  Overall I am not surprised that I didn’t get more results because my online presence has not been existent until late in high school.   I am just now using Facebook on a regular basis and starting to become digitally active.

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