Wednesday, November 2, 2011

in-class writing 9

The audience of this article is any person who uses Facebook social networking site.  The author directs this at users by telling them what Facebook does with the information they put on their profiles.  The author talks about how Facebook uses this information like merchandise to sell to third parties such as companies and governmental agencies.  The article cites one website that the reader has no background information as to the credibility of the site and how reliable the information.  The author doesn’t refute the other the other point of view as much as he pushes his position on the reader.  The author uses rhetorical appeals such as logos by making the reader feel as if there is something logically wrong with the current social network policies.  He also uses people’s natural fears to his advantage by in insinuating that individual privacy has been violated.  This source as it stands now, would not be an acceptable reference in a position paper because there is little background facts and statistics that prove the author’s point indefinitely.  As the reader I have no idea what the author’s credibility is and how accurate his writings are.  However the reader can assume that if the author had any honors or awards that he would make them known in the article.  The article seems current and is comprehensive despite its unknown credibility status.

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