Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In-class writing #1 Warburton

1)  I use an alarm clock to wake up every morning and I also use my cellphone to check the time as I walk to class and to contact my friends and family through both texts and phone calls.  I also use my laptop computer in class and through out my day to check email and to complete assignments like online quizzes.

2)  I define technology as anything or device that uses new and relevant knowledge to make life easier or to allow us to accomplish things we would never have been able to do before.  Technology is the ability to make things such as communication easier.

3)  Technology impacts how we think because we rely on it when we are trying to plan out study patterns.  It has become more common to use a screen instead of a pencil and paper to record thoughts that we have about certain issues that are relevant at the time.

4)  I believe that being digital means that something is there in cyberspace but it must have some form of technology such as a computer to access these things like e-mail and the Internet.

5)  Being a digital native means that you have not lived any part of your life where the heavy use of the Internet and computers was not in effect as it is today.  A digital immigrant is one who was not around the heavy use of technology at some point in their life.  Digital immigrants must learn to use technology much like a person learns a second language.

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